What we do


Provide Red Butler with an email address of your choice. We’ll check your inbox, reply to inquiries and filter or forward your messages however you would like. You can also copy (cc) us on correspondences with clients to set up meetings and more.


Red Butler will access your web based calendar on Google, Outlook or your preferred web based calendaring solution. We’ll also organize your calendar, contact clients, set up conference calls and much more.


Rely on our team to make calls for you. We will make your calls, wait on hold or follow up with a client to lock in that call you’ve been trying to get. Red Butler always identifies itself as your assistant and with your email, branding is complete.


Red Butler combines the flexibility and global executive concierge services of a travel agency with Internet-competitive fares and rates. Rely on Red Butler to find great rates, create itineraries, organize upgrades and more.


Make better decisions with all of the facts. Delegate your research tasks to Red Butler. We will compile a list of contacts, conduct a competitive analysis, compile a list of relevant articles, research vendor quotes and much more.


Have Red Butler organize your receipts, fill out reimbursement forms or generate spreadsheets. You can ask Red Butler to access any web based software like DropBox, Quickbooks or more to keep your financial life organized.


Have your proposals, spreadsheets, blogs and documents proofread and enhanced. Red Butler will ensure that your materials are accurate, relevant and beautiful. We will edit documents, proofread, convert documents and more.


From creating contact lists to following key social media influencers, Red Butler will support your growth and marketing initiatives. Rely on Red Butler to research, follow, proofread and post to maximize your reputation.


With Red Butler, you can set it and forget it. Recurring tasks like organizing invoices, responding to emails, preparing documents and more are a breeze. Send your requests one at a time, or setup your recurring tasks and preferences.

Everything else

Red Butler provides a wide array of support for growth across business, personal, health and family needs. With our roots in the concierge service industry, it’s likely that we’re capable of supporting your individual objectives and needs.